Reagan was no Communist Sympathizer, Mr. Bush

I've pointed out on many occasions that the tide has turned where America now fights to spread International Socialism, "Secularism," -- "Neoconservative," nothing other than whitewashed Communism... neo-fangled Marxism to finish the war that the Soviet Union began in the 1980's.

Back then, we supported the Muslims with their war to drive out the invading hoards of Communists. Now, Marxist ideologue is fully embraced in Washington, by the Republican party.

"...Earlier this week, I cited recently declassified documents to show that Ronald Reagan did indeed play a major role in ending the Cold War. Now it's time to note that a similar set of documents shows that Reagan also played a major role in bringing on the terrorist war that followed—specifically, in abetting the rise of Osama Bin Laden."

Naw, Osama Bin Laden started out as an Anti-Communist. He never changed his stripes... but that traitor who followed Reagan into power, waited til Reagan died, then started making claims that Reagan was all for the "New World Order"...

The liar waited until Reagan was laying in his casket to start slandering Reagan as a communist sympathizer. Reagan was dead and could not defend himself.

...and true to their "Neoconservative" plots had long since wanted to transform the middle east... that is, to complete the Soviet War on the Middle East... secularize it... make war on God....

When Bush did that... it drew the anger and attention of Anti-Communist Osama Bin Laden on the USA.

We have neocon commies up in Washington, DC. The Muslims haven't forgotten how Reagan gave them support and spoke reverently of God... whilst Bush bombs the Mosques and as Hitchens put it, "The Left Apologizes for Religious Fanatics, the President(Bush) Fights Them".

Closet Atheist that Bush is.
Then again, he was involved with those mock sacrifices to Molech (Satan) at Bohemian Grove so who knows?

Whatever corrupt politics Bush was pawning, Reagan wasn't supporting it.


"Neoconservative" plots... Bush, of course. The lying traitor. He waits till the day of Reagan's funeral to start talking all that EVIL "new world order" garbage.. and claiming Reagan supported it.

Bush Sr. & Jr. are damned liars.
Ronald Reagan HATED Communism as much as I do.

Ronald Reagan hosts "The Truth About Communism" documentary.

Here's a bit of history (above) the modern media doesn't want people to remember - they'd rather be forgotten -- rewrite history. Declare that war on God. Back then, WE SUPPORTED the Muslims driving out the "Secular" USSR forces that invaded the middle east and tried to "transform it," with their murderous mentality -- butchering the religious leaders in Afghanistan. Reagan ASSISTED Osama and company..... Ha ha ha ha... he sure did, back then, America respected "God" and believed in the right to believe for all, world wide. The communists suppressed the freedom or worship.

After Reagan died, Bush showed his true roots. He began speaking as if Reagan supported Marxist "Neoconservative" warmongering that Bush unleashed using LIES... DECEIVING the Americans...
1) Lies about WMD's
2) Lies about there being any connection between the SOCIALIST leader Saddam Hussein with the ANTI-SOCIALIST REBEL Osama Bin Ladin who HATED communists.

Back then, in Reagan's day we opposed communism, but today, we do trade deals with them and spread their so-called "Secularism"... with the bomb.


Yup, Reagan sure did support Osama Bin Ladin, because we were opposed to the Soviet Union and wrapped up in the Cold War and were opposed to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan (the home of Osama Bin Ladin).

Don't let the media rewrite history and lie to you.

From the horse' mouth. Christopher Hitchen's may be sympathetic for the spread of so-called "Secularism"... Marxist -- Communist -- Atheist ideology, but at least he's not a DAMNED liar and deceiver like George Bush.

"Bush's Secularist Triumph "The left apologizes for religious fanatics. The president FIGHTS them. ...George Bush may subjectively be a Christian, but he—and the U.S. armed forces—have objectively done more for secularism [MARXISM] than the whole of the American agnostic [ATHEIST] community combined and doubled. The demolition of the Taliban, the huge damage inflicted on the al-Qaida network, and the confrontation with theocratic saboteurs in Iraq represent huge advances for the non-fundamentalist forces in many countries...." Source: Slate: Bush's Secularist Triumph

And the AntiChrist war on God must go on!!!

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Recommended Reading

The John Birch Society dissects the connection between Red Army butcher and mass murderer Leon Trotsky and the Neoconservative movement.


    Revisiting ye olde Cold War era invasion of Afghanistan by the Atheist Communist, Anti-Christ USSR:

  • Bill Moyers: Buying The War and How Big Media Failed Us.
  • BILL MOYERS: "Dan Rather is talking about prominent Washington figures in and outside of government... known as Neoconservatives. They had long wanted to transform the Middle East, beginning with the removal of Saddam Hussein."
  • Bush' Secularist Triumph: The Left Apologizes for Religious Fanatics. Bush Fights Them!
  • "The left apologizes for religious fanatics. The president FIGHTS them. ...George Bush may subjectively be a Christian, but he—and the U.S. armed forces—have objectively done more for secularism [MARXISM] than the whole of the American agnostic [ATHEIST] community combined and doubled. The demolition of the Taliban, the huge damage inflicted on the al-Qaida network, and the confrontation with theocratic saboteurs in Iraq represent huge advances for the non-fundamentalist forces in many countries...."
    -Christopher Hitchens
  • The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy, Murray Friedman
    Cambridge University Press, May 16, 2005
  • "The focus is on the rise of a group of Jewish intellectuals and activists known as neoconservatives who began to impact on American public policy during the Cold War with the Soviet Union and most recently in the lead up to and invasion of Iraq. It presents a portrait of the life and work of the original and small group of neocons..."

    The war on God, must proceed and proceed it shall, Comrades! Even if in the name of God itself. Long Live the Marxian Revolution!

    "In 1929, the Second Congress changed the society's name to The Union of Belligerent (or Militant) Atheists.[11] At this Second Congress of Atheists, Nikolai Bukharin, the editor of Pravda, called for the extermination of religion "at the tip of the bayonet."[15] There, Yaroslavsky also made the following declaration:
    It is our duty to destroy every religious world-concept... If the destruction of ten million human beings, as happened in the last war, should be necessary for the triumph of one definite class, then that must be done and it will be done."[16]

    Google "League of Militant Atheists + Communism"

  • Facebook Page: Neoconservatism is EVIL